Our strength lies in supporting children and youth on their journey across different learning pathways, including immediate first-line education response, structured and longer-term learning through non-formal education provision (with a focus on out-of-school children), and support to formal education systems to ensure sustainability of our programming and support durable solutions.
Moreover, in addition to learning opportunities, we provide youth with a pathway to employment and livelihood opportunities and support them in becoming active and engaged members of their communities. By the end of 2025:
Todos nuestros servicios son gratuitos y se implementan sin intermediarios. Bajo ninguna circunstancia el Consejo Noruego para Refugiados (NRC) solicita recursos económicos o favores a cambio de la prestación de sus servicios.
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Escríbenos en:
Colombia, Ecuador y Panamá:
Norte de Centroamérica y México:
Se encuentra habilitado para la recepción de notificaciones judiciales y comunicaciones interinstitucionales.