El Consejo Noruego para Refugiados (NRC por sus siglas en inglés) es una organización humanitaria independiente que ayuda a las personas que se ven obligadas a huir. Protegemos a las personas desplazadas y las apoyamos mientras construyen un nuevo futuro.

Protegemos a las personas desplazadas y las apoyamos mientras construyen un nuevo futuro. Comenzamos nuestra labor de ayuda tras la Segunda Mundial. Hoy, trabajamos en crisis nuevas y prolongadas en más de 40 países.

NORCAP trabaja para proteger y empoderar mejor a las personas afectadas por crisis y el cambio climático. Colaboramos con socios en la búsqueda de soluciones para satisfacer la necesidades de las personas en el riesgo.

Recibe las últimas noticias de nuestro trabajo en terreno, entrevistas, opiniones y campañas.


NRC Global Education Strategy 2022-2025

Publicado en 10. May 2024
Editado en 10. May 2024

NRC Global Education Strategy 2022-2025

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) will continue to play a leading role in the Education in Emergencies sector by ensuring that all displacement-affected children and youth enjoy quality, safe and inclusive learning opportunities relevant to their psychosocial, emotional and cognitive development and needs.

Our strength lies in supporting children and youth on their journey across different learning pathways, including immediate first-line education response, structured and longer-term learning through non-formal education provision (with a focus on out-of-school children), and support to formal education systems to ensure sustainability of our programming and support durable solutions.

Moreover, in addition to learning opportunities, we provide youth with a pathway to employment and livelihood opportunities and support them in becoming active and engaged members of their communities. By the end of 2025: 

  • We will become even better at ensuring that the most vulnerable displacement-affected children and youth, especially girls and children with disabilities, access quality learning. 
  • We will improve transition to, and retention in, formal learning, in cooperation with national authorities. 
  • We will provide access to basic psychosocial support services by integrating our Better Learning Programme across all our education programmes. 
  • We will cooperate closely with those who we serve, including children, youth and their communities. 
  • We will address the impact of climate change through our education programming. 
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